When EvaLee was still tiny enough to be tied to my umbilical cord, but already forever tied to my heart, a doctor noticed something was wrong with the ultrasound. His concerns that he carefully shared with us after the review were not nearly as shocking as a possible solution he presented: Would we be interested in considering murdering our daughter?
EvaLee’s screening had showed a few concerns that could be associated with Down Syndrome and as such, the specialist that met with us offered the “opportunity” to have her aborted. Well, that is the politically correct term, but let’s be real here: we had already heard her little heart beating, we had seen her kick away from the ultrasound wand on the monitor during our appointment...she was ALIVE! She was a tiny and PRECIOUS person. It would have been murder; and all because she may not have been born “perfect” by someone’s standard. Perfect?...what is that anyway? Could that adjective truly apply to anyone?
EvaLee’s screening had showed a few concerns that could be associated with Down Syndrome and as such, the specialist that met with us offered the “opportunity” to have her aborted. Well, that is the politically correct term, but let’s be real here: we had already heard her little heart beating, we had seen her kick away from the ultrasound wand on the monitor during our appointment...she was ALIVE! She was a tiny and PRECIOUS person. It would have been murder; and all because she may not have been born “perfect” by someone’s standard. Perfect?...what is that anyway? Could that adjective truly apply to anyone?
To me, it doesn’t mean much.
To our Creator who said, “People look on the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:6-8), I’m thinking He’s not into perfection by our faulty human definition either.
He loves us. Quirks and all. Thank God for that.
I can’t help but smile everytime I think about each of my children. The things that warm my heart and make me shake my head in wonder are the unique ways God has made them; their silly laugh, their funny take on life, their unique walks and the way their eyes light up over the tiniest joys in life. To me, these peculiarities are actually glimpses into God’s handiwork of perfection.
Gideon was born with a little mole on his ankle...he was PERFECT to us.
Judah was born with a cleft lip...he was PERFECT to us.
EvaLee was born weighing in at about 6 lbs...she was PERFECT to us.
Gabriella was born tongue-tied...she was PERFECT to us.
And each of our children...each of your children, quirks and all, are perfect to God because He created them and knows their hearts. He is excited to show the WORLD His precious gift with a uniqueness only that one child will have. That is why the thought of even ONE of these little miracles being killed breaks His heart...and mine.
The world will never be the same without them.
How many “perfect children” who may not meet someone’s skewed standard of perfection are being aborted every day?
One day, when we walk in wonder through the pearly gates of Heaven, I believe we’ll see them all...millions and millions of kids laughing and playing, perfectly created children that never had a chance to bless this world with the beauty of their lives.
So when the question was posed to us if we would like to end the life of our perfectly created daughter, we were horrified and didn’t hesitate to answer, “NO WAY.”
Later that day, I asked my husband what he felt about having a child with Downs. He looked at me, confused and said with a little smile, “It doesn’t matter one bit. She’s my daughter. I love her.” And that was that. We couldn’t wait to meet her!
A few days later, further test results confirmed that EvaLee would not have Downs. The spot on her heart that had caused concern initially was more than likely a tiny mass of muscle that would go away before birth. And a few months later, after that 6-pound-peanut with a head full of black hair first showed off her strong set of lungs (certainly it was not her last scream either!), more tests verified a pretty good little heart was beating in her chest.
Whether EvaLee would have been born with a special need or not though will never change this amazing truth: she was perfectly created by God. Her life is meant to fill a void in this world that ONLY one curly-haired, blonde EvaLee is meant to fill.
They cut the umbilical cord between me and EvaLee on June 14, 2009; but the bond connecting Eva to her daddy and me...and more importantly, to her Heavenly Daddy, stays strong today. She was His before she was mine and it is never our “right” to end a life that belongs to Him. Everytime I look at her, everytime I hear her sparkling laugh and see her delight in this world (with all of the PINK things in it of course!!), I have to smile.
Yep, the world needs EvaLee. Just like the world needs each PERFECT child our Creator makes.